Yor, the Hunter from the Future | Il mondo di Yor

Yor, the Hunter from the FutureIl mondo di Yor
In prehistoric times, the muscular Yor saves his cave-babe from a dinosaur just before they get zapped into the future to battle bad guys in the familiar desolate wasteland.

Reb Brown

Corinne Cléry

Luciano Pigozzi

Luigina Rocchi

Carole André

John Steiner

Sergio Nicolai

Aytekin Akkaya
Ludovico Della Jojo
Paul Costello
Adrian Akdemir
Herent Akdemir
Ali Selgur
Zeynep Selgur
Henk Akin
Henk Akin
Nurdan Asar

Yadigar Ejder

Nilgün Bubikoğlu

Tevfik Şen
Yasemin Celenk

Levent Çakır

Ayşegül Ünsal
Robert D. Bailey

Antonio Margheriti

Antonio Margheriti

Maurizio De Angelis

Guido De Angelis

Walter Patriarca
Alberto Moriani
Giorgio Serrallonga
Marcello Masciocchi
Enrico Luzzi
Michele Marsala

Goffredo Unger

Antonio Margheriti
Ugur Terzioglu
John Scott

Arnaldo Dell'Acqua
Pina La Rosa

Ignazio Dolce