Three Swedish Girls in Upper Bavaria | Drei Schwedinnen in Oberbayern

Three Swedish Girls in Upper BavariaDrei Schwedinnen in Oberbayern
Otto runs a hotel for tourists in Tyrol but has troubles both with the economy and with his wife Olga. After a trip to Stockholm he imports three Swedish blondes who eventually save Otto from disaster, both marital and financial.

Gianni Garko

Alexander Grill

Beate Hasenau

Inge Fock

Herbert Fux

Rosl Mayr

Jacques Herlin
Walter Klinger
Werner Röglin

Willy Harlander
Willy Schultes
Gerhard Deutschmann
Herta Worell
Peter Traxler
Wolfgang Katzer
Renate Hess

Claudia Mehringer

Otto Retzer

Marie Luise Lusewitz
Anika Egger

Sigi Rothemund

Gerhard Heinz
Franz Xaver Lederle