The Three Wise Men The Truth | Los Reyes Magos La verdad

The Three Wise Men: The TruthLos Reyes Magos: La verdad
While they prepare for the Three Wise Men's Cavalcade, Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar open the doors to their palace for the first time for the filming of a documentary about their daily lives.

Camila Viyuela

Mauro Muñiz

Javier Carramiñana
Pedro Gutiérrez
Sofía Gómez Maza

Gorka Aguinagalde

Paula Iwasaki

Sergio Alcover

Lorenzo Caprile

Almudena Cid
Gabriel Cruz
Víctor García León


Esty Quesada
Inma Quesada

Jordi Hurtado

Almar G. Sato
Damián García
Valentina García
Santiago Nogués

Manu Hernández

Daniel Ortiz
Víctor García León

Teresa Bellón
Víctor García León