The Lacemaker | La Dentellière

The LacemakerLa Dentellière
Pomme is a meek and mild French beautician whose life takes a fateful turn during a vacation to Normandy. She becomes the lover of middle-class literature-student François. The relationship sours when François takes her home to meet his parents, thanks in no small part to their differing social backgrounds.

Isabelle Huppert

Yves Beneyton

Florence Giorgetti

Renate Schroeter

Annemarie Düringer

Michel de Ré

Monique Chaumette

Jean Obé

Christian Baltauss

Sabine Azéma
Christian Peythieu

Heribert Sasse

Jeanne Allard
Odile Poisson

Gilberte Géniat
Valentine Albin
Agnès Château
Bertrand De Hautefort
Suzanne Berthois

Yan Brian
Nicole Chomo
Maud Darsy
Jacques Dichamp
Michèle Hamelin

Claude Goretta

Claude Goretta
Serge Etter
Laurent Ferrier
Bernard Lorain

Joële Van Effenterre
Lise Fayolle
Klaus Hellwig
Daniel Messère
Pascal Lainé
Claude Chevant
Florence Fouquier D'Herouel
Bernard Chaumeil
Yves Peyrot

Jean Boffety

Pierre Jansen

Pierre Gamet
Pascal Lainé

Daniel Toscan du Plantier

Patrick Grandperret
Jean-Paul Rosa da Costa
Jean-Louis Melin
Nelly Meunier
Martine Charasson
Anne-Marie Fallot