The Decline | Jusqu’au déclin

The DeclineJusqu'au déclin
Anticipating a disaster, Antoine, a father, attends a survivalist training given by Alain in his autonomous hideout. In fear of a natural, economic or social crisis, the group trains to face the different possible apocalyptic scenarios. But the disaster they will experience will not be the one they predicted.

Réal Bossé

Marc-André Grondin

Guillaume Laurin

Marie-Evelyne Lessard

Marc Beaupré

Marilyn Castonguay

Guillaume Cyr

Isabelle Giroux

Juliette Maxyme Proulx
Nicolas Krief
Patrice Laliberté
Patrice Laliberté
Charles Dionne
Julie Groleau
Jason Sharp

Sylvain Bellemare
Ariane Laliberté
Rosalie Clermont-Bilodeau
Geneviève Hébert
Bernard Gariépy Strobl
Francis Gauthier
François Grenon
Samuel Gagnon-Thibodeau
Emmanuel Frechette