Sometimes They Come Back

Sometimes They Come Back
Desperate for a job to help him support his family, Jim Norman takes a position teaching high school in the town where his brother was murdered in front of him by teenage bullies twenty-seven years before. The teens who committed the crime are long dead, but now the kids in Jim's new class keep dying and being replaced by new students who look like the deceased hoodlums.

Tim Matheson

Brooke Adams

Robert Rusler

Chris Demetral

Robert Hy Gorman

William Sanderson

Nicholas Sadler

Bentley Mitchum

Matt Nolan

Tasia Valenza
Chadd Nyerges
T. Max Graham
William Kuhlke
Duncan McLeod
Nancy McLoughlin
Zachary Ball
Dick Solowicz
Rodney McKay

Don Ruffin
Kimball Cummings

Tom McLoughlin
David Cohn
Charles Bornstein
Karen Patch
Philip Dean Foreman

Stephen King
Bryan England
Terry Plumeri

Lawrence Konner
Mark Rosenthal
Michael S. Murphey

Rick Barker

Rick Barker

Don Ruffin
Larry Nicholas
Martin Bresin
David C. Thomas
David C. Thomas
Hope R. Goodwin
Jonathan Giles Zimmerman
Cathy A. Roszell
Ellen Wolff
Paula Jordan
Raquel Caballes Maxwell
Linda Arcari
Diane Durant
Elizabeth Porter
Timothy R. Bauer
Maggie Martin
Jerry Lynn Reed
Ronald Megee
David Yonally
Ian Dennis
Timaree McCormick
Eric McHugh
Guy Norman Bee
Dale Myrand
Roger R. Wong
Jalal Pashandi
Roger Branit
Paige Jeffers-Burghardt
Mark Bovos
Scott Sherline
Albert Coleman
David Hill
Lucyna Wojciechowski
Wendy Champagne
Linda Carol Flake
Steven Scott Ford
Daniel Marc
Patti Brand
Victor Hecht
Gabriel Bartalos
Martin Bresin
Dale Ettema
Scott Sand
Don Hastings
Laura Nelson
Tracy Sloat
Gale Salus
David C. Thomas
Joseph P. Mandacina
Frank Ruttencutter
Michael Carp
James Thornton
Jeremy Hoenack
Joseph Zappala
Michael Payne