Scenes of a Sexual Nature

Scenes of a Sexual Nature
Sex and love. Some seek it, some need it, some spurn it and some pay for it, but we're all involved in it. Set on one afternoon on Hampstead Heath in north-west London, the film investigates the minutiae of seven couples. What makes us tick?

Holly Aird

Eileen Atkins

Hugh Bonneville

Tom Hardy

Douglas Hodge

Adrian Lester

Andrew Lincoln

Ewan McGregor

Gina McKee
Elle Mckenzie

Sophie Okonedo

Eglantine Rembauville-Nicolle

Benjamin Whitrow

Nicholas Sidi

Mark Strong

Catherine Tate

Polly Walker

Benjamin Whitrow
Ed Blum
Aschlin Ditta
Ed Blum
Emma Style
Joe McNally

Dominik Scherrer
David Meadows
Gordon Grant
Gordon Grant
Andrew Boswell
Suran Goonatilake