
After a man with extraordinary—and frighteningly destructive—telepathic abilities is nabbed by agents from a mysterious rogue corporation, he discovers he is far from the only possessor of such strange powers, and that some of the other “scanners” have their minds set on world domination, while others are trying to stop them.

Jennifer O'Neill

Stephen Lack

Patrick McGoohan

Lawrence Dane

Michael Ironside

Robert A. Silverman
Lee Broker
Mavor Moore
Adam Ludwig
Murray Cruchley

Fred Döderlein

Géza Kovács

Sonny Forbes
Jérôme Tiberghien
Denis Lacroix
Elizabeth Mudry
Victor Désy

Louis Del Grande

Anthony Sherwood
Ken Umland
Anne Anglin

Jock Brandis
Jack Messinger

Victor Knight
Karen Fullerton
Margaret Gadbois
Terrance P. Coady
Steve Michaels
Malcolm Nelthorpe
Nicholas Kilbertus
Don Buchsbaum
Roland Nincheri
Kimberly McKeever
Robert Boyd
Graham Batchelor
Dean Hagopian
Alex Stevens

Neil Affleck
John Brasington

Chris Britton
Jack Canon
Richard Chapman Jr.

Leon Herbert

William Hope
Thomas Kovacs
Michael Maloley
Ian McQue

Chuck Shamata
Sam Stone

Howard Shore
Delphine White
Brigitte McCaughry
Claude Héroux
Don Buchsbaum
Ronald Sanders
Victor Solnicki
Carol Spier

David Cronenberg

Pierre David

Mark Irwin
Constant Natale
Gary Zeller

David Cronenberg

Charles R. Bowers
Peter Burgess
Peter Jermyn
Bruce Nyznik
Stephan Dupuis
Tom Schwartz

Dick Smith
Chris Walas
Jean Savard
Jim Kaufman
Anne Murphy
Michael A. Williams
Peter Borowski
Jean Bourret
Peter Bray
Serge Bureau
Michel Comte
Tom Coulter
Peter Dowker
Melanie Johnson
Barbara Jones
Michael Joy
Ernie Tomlinson
Charles Bowers
Terry Burke
Don Cohen
Paul Coombe
Gary Daprato
Mike Hoogenboom
Gabor Vadnay

Don Berry
Louis Craig
Jacques Godbout
Dennis Pike
David Neil Trifunovich
Alex Stevens
Céline Fournier

Gary Hymes

Jock Brandis
François Dupéré
Denis Fugere
Maris H. Jansons
Claude Langlois
Robin Miller
Michel Périard
Arshad Shaw
Gregory Villeneuve
Ginette D'Amico
Muriel Fournier
Daniel Hausmann
Renée April
Blanche Boileau
Robert Boyd
Chris Hutton
Thomas Metzger
Bill Wiggins
Christine Burt
France Boudreau
Armand Thomas
Charles Toupin
Neil Bibby
Victor Blazevic