Rich and Famous

Rich and Famous
Two literary women compete for 20 years: one writes for the critics; the other one, to get rich.

Jacqueline Bisset

Candice Bergen

David Selby

Hart Bochner

Steven Hill

Meg Ryan

Matt Lattanzi

Daniel Faraldo

Nicole Eggert

Joe Maross
Cloyce Morrow
Cheryl Robinson

Allan Warnick

Ann Risley
Damion Scheller
Haley Fox

Fay Kanin
Tara Simpson
Herb Graham
Charlotte Moore

William G. Schilling
John Perkins
Herbert Bress

Alan Berliner

Don Bachardy
Ruth Storey

Marsha Hunt

Christopher Isherwood
Pola Miller

Paul Morrissey

Jennifer Nairn-Smith
Karen Somerville

Roger Vadim
Sandra Smith Allyn

Frances Bergen

Ray Bradbury
Ellen Brill
Gwen Davis

Frank De Felitta
Michael Dewell

Nina Foch
Elizabeth Forsythe-Hailey
Oliver Hailey

Randal Kleiser
Gavin Lambert

Michael Brandon

Dack Rambo
Gerald Ayres
John Van Druten

George Cukor
William Allyn
John F. Burnett
Donald Peterman

Jacqueline Bisset