Psycho-Pass | PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス

Psycho-PassPSYCHO-PASS サイコパス
Psycho-Pass is set in a futuristic era in Japan where the Sibyl System, a powerful network of psychometric scanners, actively measures the biometrics of its citizens' minds. The resulting assessment is called a Psycho-Pass. When the calculated likelihood of an individual committing a crime, measured by the Crime Coefficient index, exceeds an accepted threshold, he or she is pursued, apprehended, and either arrested or decomposed by the field officers of the Crime Investigation Department of the Public Safety Bureau.

Yuki Kaji

Kana Hanazawa

Yuichi Nakamura

Tomokazu Seki

Takahiro Sakurai

Ayane Sakura

Miyuki Sawashiro

Miku Nakamura

Shunsuke Matsumoto

Ryosuke Fujita

Makiko Suzuki
Takanari Iwata
Taoru Deji

Naoyoshi Shiotani
Miyuka Kidachi

Season 1

Season 2