Paradise City

Paradise City
The worlds of a young cop with a checkered past, an ex-con turned devout Muslim, and a junkie with affluent roots collide in a plot to justify New York City's counter-terrorism campaign against homegrown extremists.

Chris Petrovski

Sticky Fingaz
Laura Kamin

Kareem Savinon

Robert Morgan

Thaddeus Street
Leslie Lopez

Roger Hendricks Simon

Christopher Tramantana

Masha King

Geoff Lee
Gordon Joseph Weiss
Hassan Bradley
Mr. Dead
Robert Berlin
Kent Koren
Rajeev Dhar
Dexter Strong

John Marco Lopez

John Marco Lopez

Julio Casado
Zori Davidkova
Kevin A. Lopez
Zak Engel
Rubén Collado
Christopher Raymond
Paul San Filippo
Kierra Jordan
Jevyn Nelms
Danielle Gerkens
BrittanyRose LaFemina
Melanie Licata