Naked Among Wolves | Nackt unter Wölfen

Naked Among WolvesNackt unter Wölfen
Taking place at the Concentration camp Buchenwald at the end of March 1945, prisoner Hans Pippig discovers in a carrying case of an incoming prisoner a Jewish child. If reported the three-year-old is sure to die. On the other hand, a violation of the rules of the camp would threaten the long prepared uprising of the concentration camp prisoners against the SS.

Florian Stetter

Peter Schneider

Sylvester Groth

Sabin Tambrea

Robert Gallinowski

Rainer Bock

Rafael Stachowiak

Thorsten Merten

Torsten Michaelis

Robert Mika

Matthias Bundschuh

Ulrich Brandhoff

Torsten Ranft

Andreas Lust

Marko Mandić

Jens Harzer
Philipp Kadelbach
Stefan Kolditz
Benjamin Benedict
Jana Brandt
Nico Hofmann
Verena Monßen
Bruno Apitz
Sebastian Werninger
Michael Kadelbach

Kolja Brandt
Bernd Schlegel
Nina Haun
Matthias Müsse
David Baxa
Nancy Vogel
Wiebke Kratz
Stefan Broedner
Sabrina Krämer
Bettina Köhler
Heike Schenck-Wuttke
Věra Mírová
Zuzana Bursíková
Jalaludin Trautmann
Stephan Rabold
Roland Knitter
Igor Jelen
Denis Behnke
Jörg Klinkenberg