Maria Montessori | La nouvelle femme

Maria MontessoriLa nouvelle femme
Set in 1900, Lili d’Alengy, a Parisian cocotte at the height of her fame, flees Paris to hide her “idiot” daughter. There she meets Maria Montessori, who is pioneering a teaching method that may help the child.

Jasmine Trinca

Raffaele Esposito
Laura Borelli

Agathe Bonitzer

Pietro Ragusa

Leïla Bekhti
Emily Di Ronza
Rafaëlle Sonneville-Caby

Nancy Huston

Sébastien Pouderoux
Marco Matteo Donat-Cattin
Julie Dupeux-Harlé
Léa Todorov
Esther Lowe
Sébastien Goepfert
Alessandra Maccotta
Justinien Schricke
Carlo Cresto-Dina
Cédric Berger
Léa Todorov
Lucie Bouilleret
Agnès Noden
Grégoire Debailly
Pascale Consigny
Sandie Perez
Stefania Valestro
Vito Calabrese
Bérangère Pennec
Manon Guichard
Francesco Di Matteo

Stéphane Germain
Giorgio Innocenzi
Etienne Lesur
Milosz Kubok
Victoria Massih
Nicoletta Maggi
Jeanne Tassy
Pierre Marion-Andrès
Laura Emmanuelle Darracq
Gwenaëlle Duriaud
Clémentine Douel
Andrea Festugato
Marco Moroni
Simona Pampallona
Georgia Ives
Simon Livet
Alessandro Pontillo
Thibault Bru
Johan Van Der Voort
Jonas Gayraud
Clément Hervouet
Emanuele Salvatore
Samuel Aïchoun
Charlotte Butrak
Antoine Viallefond
Olivier Pelletier