Lil Nas X Long Live Montero

Lil Nas X: Long Live Montero
A remarkably intimate portrait of an artist on tour navigating identity, family, expectations, and acceptance, all while reflecting on his place within the legacy of Black, queer performers.

Lil Nas X


Sean Bankhead

Amari Smith
Trevon Anderson
Bernard Bell
Kebab Glanville
Christopher Harris
Alexander Mateo
Zachary Molton
Hodo Musa
Devin Neal
Christian Owens
Dobbin Pinkey
Maximus Turner

Carlos López Estrada
Zac Manuel
Zac Manuel

Pablo Berron
Andrew Morrow
Meredith Bennett
Jon Kamen
Frank Scherma
Tom Mackay
Krista Wegener

Dave Sirulnick
Caryn Capotosto
Saul Levitz
Adam Leber
Adriana Arce
Gee Roberson