Like or Die | Señora Influencer

Like or DieSeñora Influencer
Fatima, a woman in her forties, becomes an online overnight sensation. Sofi and Cami, a pair of young influencers, will try to take advantage of Fatima's sudden popularity by pretending to be her friends, unbeknownst to them that they messed with the wrong person!

Mónica Huarte

Leonardo Daniel

Bárbara Lombardo

Macarena García

Diana Carreiro

Mau Nieto
Daniela Peña

Memo Dorantes
Michelle Durán

Ángel Escarcega
Christian Uribe

Paola Rojas
Renata Molinar

Sandra Burgos

Michael Cohn del Real

Alejandro de la Madrid
Claudia Acosta
Magali Hernandez
Vielka Valenzuela

Juan José Ulloa

Juan Carlos Nava
Jose Guadalupe Guerra
Chantall Frías
Alfredo Ramírez

Michel Benavent

Carlos Santos