I Saw Three Black Lights | Yo vi tres luces negras

I Saw Three Black LightsYo vi tres luces negras
A wise old man embarks on his final journey, entering the Colombian jungle to find a place to die. But the paramilitary soldiers who control the area endanger his peaceful transition to the realm of the dead.

Jesús María Mina
Julián Ramírez

Carol Hurtado

John Alex Castillo
Santiago Lozano Álvarez
Santiago Lozano Álvarez

Oscar Ruiz Navia

Rubén Imaz

Yulene Olaizola
David Hurst
Paulo de Carvalho
Gudula Meinzolt
Santiago Lozano Álvarez
Adriana Agudelo
Juan Velásquez
Fernando del Razo
Nidia Góngora
José Miguel Enriquez
Federico González Jordán
Daniel Rincón
Marcela Gómez Montoya

Ana María Acosta
Ana García
Santiago Lozano Álvarez
Julián Laguna
Natalia Burbano
Christian Velásquez