He Walked by Night

He Walked by Night
This film-noir piece, told in semi-documentary style, follows police on the hunt for a resourceful criminal who shoots and kills a cop.

Richard Basehart

Scott Brady

Roy Roberts

Whit Bissell

James Cardwell

Jack Webb

Reed Hadley

Frank Cady

Dorothy Adams

Jane Adams

Jack Bailey
Alma Beltran

Robert Bice
Dolores Castelli
George Chan

Garrett Craig

John Dehner

Ann Doran

Rex Downing
Michael Dugan

Paul Fierro

Byron Foulger
Kay Garrett
Tim Graham

Kit Guard

Harry Harvey

Thomas Browne Henry
Peter Hobbes

Virginia Hunter
Felice Ingersoll

Anthony Jochim
Stan Johnson
Louise Kane

Tommy Kelly
Donald Kerr

Charles Lang

Lyle Latell

Rory Mallinson

Billy Mauch

John McGuire

Charles Meredith
Carlotta Monti
Bert Moorhouse

Howard Negley

James Nolan

John Parrish

Steve Pendleton
John Perri

Paul Scardon

Kenneth Tobey

Wally Vernon

Harlan Warde

Mary Ware

Robert B. Williams

Harry Wilson

Crane Wilbur
Harry Essex

Alfred L. Werker

Crane Wilbur
John C. Higgins

John Alton
Alfred DeGaetano
Robert Kane
Bryan Foy
Leonid Raab
Edward L. Ilou
Armor Marlowe
Clarence Steensen
Joe Stinton
Ern Westmore
Leon Becker
Hugh McDowell Jr.
James T. Vaughn

Howard W. Koch
Lester Shorr

Stewart Stern