Hannah Takes the Stairs

Hannah Takes the Stairs
Hannah is a recent college graduate interning at a Chicago production company. She is crushing on two writers at work, Matt and Paul, who share an office and keep her entertained. Will a relationship with one of them disrupt the delicate balance of their friendship?

Greta Gerwig

Kent Osborne

Andrew Bujalski

Ry Russo-Young

Mark Duplass

Todd Rohal

Tipper Newton

Kris Rey
Kevin Bewersdorf
Ivan Albertson

Nathan Adloff

Joe Swanberg

Joe Swanberg

Joe Swanberg
Anish Savjani

Joe Swanberg
Rajen Savjani
Kevin Bewersdorf
Meg DiGiovanni
Kevin Bewersdorf
Chris James
Yohance Brown

Andrew Bujalski

Ry Russo-Young

Mark Duplass

Todd Rohal
Kevin Bewersdorf

Tipper Newton

Kris Rey

Joe Swanberg

Greta Gerwig

Kent Osborne
John Eremic

Dan Brown

Aaron Katz