Céline and Julie Go Boating | Céline et Julie vont en bateau

Céline and Julie Go BoatingCéline et Julie vont en bateau
A mysteriously linked pair of young women find their daily lives pre-empted by a strange boudoir melodrama that plays itself out in a hallucinatory parallel reality. An undisputed classic of the French New Wave, Jacques Rivette’s Celine and Julie Go Boating is a delightful movie about the spiritual journey of a pair of young women, told with a playful approach to the cinematic form. A masterpiece of cinematic creativity, Rivette, the same mind behind 1969’s L’amour fou, effortlessly draws the viewer into the whimsical world of the titular protagonists.

Juliet Berto

Dominique Labourier

Bulle Ogier

Marie-France Pisier

Barbet Schroeder
Nathalie Asnar
Marie-Thérèse Saussure
Philippe Clévenot
Anne Zamire

Jean Douchet
Adèle Taffetas
Monique Clément
Jérôme Richard
Michael Graham
Jean-Marie Sénia

Jean-Claude Biette
Jacques Bontemps
Michel Caen

Jean Eustache
Jean-Claude Romer

Bulle Ogier

Jacques Rivette

Juliet Berto

Jacques Rivette

Eduardo de Gregorio

Dominique Labourier

Marie-France Pisier
Jean-Marie Sénia

Nicole Lubtchansky
Jacques Renard
Ronaldo Abreu

Luc Béraud
Cristiana Tullio-Altan

Christian Fechner
Gilbert Pereira
François Marin
Klaus Hellwig
Michel Cénet
Irina Lhomme
Pierre D'Alby
F. Lebovici
Pascal Lemaitre
Vincent Malle
Elvire Lerner

Margaret Ménégoz
Paul Lainé
Laurent Vicci