Appleseed XIII | アップルシードXIII

Appleseed XIIIアップルシードXIII
Following World War V, a global-scale conflict fought with non-nuclear weapons that almost halved the earth's population, the city-nation of Olympus stands as a beacon of hope in a world of chaos. The utopian metropolis is governed by Gaia, a vast artificial intelligence, and administered by genetically engineered humanoids known as bioroids. Although Olympus seems like a peaceful city on the surface, racial (human vs. bioroids vs. cyborgs), religious, and political conflicts lurk underneath -threatening to overturn the delicately balanced peace of this so-called utopia.

Maaya Sakamoto

Koichi Yamadera

Mikako Takahashi

Sakiko Tamagawa

Naomi Shindo

Ami Koshimizu

Hiro Shimono

Jouji Nakata
Kanji Suzumori

Kenjiro Tsuda
Masashi Sugawara

Mayumi Yanagisawa

Naoya Uchida

Ryotaro Okiayu
Junichi Fujisaku

Atsushi Takeuchi
Masamune Shirow
Akihito Watanabe

Yota Tsuruoka
Masamune Shirow

Takayuki Goto
Masanobu Nomura

Takayuki Hamana
