Alice, Sweet Alice

Alice, Sweet Alice
Alice is a withdrawn 12-year-old who lives with her mother and her younger sister, Karen, who gets most of the attention from her mother, leaving Alice out of the spotlight. When Karen is found brutally murdered in a church, suspicions start to turn toward Alice. But could a 12-year-old girl really be capable of such savagery?

Linda Miller
Mildred Clinton

Paula E. Sheppard

Niles McMaster
Jane Lowry

Rudolph Willrich
Michael Hardstark
Alphonso DeNoble
Gary Allen

Brooke Shields

Louisa Horton

Tom Signorelli

Lillian Roth

Patrick Gorman
Kathy Rich
Ted Tinling

Mary Boylan
Peter Bosche
Joseph Rossi
Marco Quazzo
Dick Boccelli
Ronald Willoughby

Sally Anne Golden
Lucy Hale
Libby Fennelly
Maurice Yonowsky
Beth Carlton
Drew Roman

Antonino Rocca
Michael Weil
Leslie Feigen
Rosemary Ritvo

Alfred Sole

Alfred Sole
Stephen Lawrence
M. Edward Salier
Richard K. Rosenberg
Marc G. Greenberg
Richard K. Rosenberg
John Lawless
Stephen Finkin
Michelle Cohen
Anne Paul
Karen Sole
Larry Panucci
Barbara Battagliese
Rosemary Ritvo
Adrienne Hamalian-Mangine
Dan Sable
Mark Salwasser
Dick Vorisek
Larry Scharf
John Friberg
Chuck Hall
Chuck Hall
John Friberg
Chris Hayes
Gary Michelin
John Pascali
Johnnie Rogers
Stanley Fejnas
Ralph Coleman
Joseph Bruck