Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
An evil force is looming across the dark, thick-aired streets of industrial revolution London when a group of heroes dubbed Unicorn are accidentally reawakened in the bodies of teenagers instead of adult hosts they’ve embodied in the past.
Hazel Doupe
Tom Milligan
Demari Hunte
Genndy Tartakovsky
Sam Register
Bernard Som
Stephen DeStefano
Chloë Aubert
Tyler Bates
Joanne Higginbottom
Joel Valentine
Shareena Carlson
Darrick Bachman
Ryo Yambe
Ritchie Sacilioc
Eva Eskelinen
Richard Daskas
Genndy Tartakovsky
Sarah Noonan
Agnes Kim
Maria Millage
Alden Osborne
Paul Douglas
Hugo Morales
Robert Serda
Maïlis Colombie
Timothy J. Borquez
Nick Gotten III
Alex Borquez
Tanya Orlov
Jeannette Jimenez
Kelly Crews
Brent Tanner
Ed Adams