My Mom, God and Sylvie Vartan | Ma mère, Dieu et Sylvie Vartan

My Mom, God and Sylvie VartanMa mère, Dieu et Sylvie Vartan
In 1963, Esther gives birth to Roland, the youngest of a large family. Roland is born with a club foot that prevents him from standing. Against everyone's advice, she promises her son that he will walk like the others and that he will have a fabulous life. From then on, Esther will do everything in her power to keep this promise. Through decades of trials and miracles of life, this film is the story of a true, funny and moving story, that of an incredible destiny and the greatest love there is: that of a mother for her child.

Jonathan Cohen

Leïla Bekhti

Anne Le Ny

Sylvie Vartan

Milo Machado-Graner

Lionel Dray

Joséphine Japy

Jeanne Balibar
Naïm Naji

Iliana Belkhadra

Naël Rabia

Luc Sitbon

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Nina Bouffier
Noé Schecroun
Gabriel Hyvernaud

Marie-France Michel

Sidonie Dumas

Sophie Tepper

Guillaume Schiffman
Cyrille Crété
Ludovic Erbelding
Claude La Haye
Francis Péloquin

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Loïc Limosin
Julien Reignoux
Léa Audouin

Ken Scott

Ken Scott
Roland Perez
Michaël Laguens
Julien Joanny