Flanders | Flandres
André Demester secretly and painfully loves Barbe, his childhood friend, accepting from her the little that she gives him. He leaves home to be a soldier in a war in a far off land. Barbarity, camaraderie and fear turn him into a warrior. As the seasons go by, Barbe, alone and wasting away, waits for the soldiers to return. Will Demester’s boundless love for Barbe save him?
Adélaïde Leroux
Samuel Boidin
Henri Cretel
Jean-Marie Bruveart
David Poulain
Patrice Venant
David Legay
Inge Decaesteker
David Dewaele
Bruno Dumont
Bruno Dumont
Rachid Bouchareb
Jean Bréhat
Muriel Merlin
Abdelaziz Ben Mlouka