An established dystopian sport has drivers of a computerized truck driving cross-country to a terminus. The lead truck, created by a boy genius, is driven by a woman. When the computer guidance system fails, she ends up in uncharted territories and encounters leather-clad hoods who torture her. Meanwhile, a mysterious doctor seems to have another plan in mind.
Johnny Hallyday
Karen Allen
Jürgen Prochnow
Gabriel Damon
Julie Glenn
Dieter Schidor
János Kulka
Dominique Valera
Jean-Luc Montama
Ray Montama
Bruno Ciarrochi
David Jalil
André Nocquet
Louise Vincent
Howard Vernon
Mathieu Carrière
Pierre-William Glenn
Alain Gillot
Wallace Potts
Anne François
Marita Coustet
David Cunningham
Jean-Claude Vicquery
Thierry Derocles
Alain Challier
Jacqueline Moreau
Muriel Baurens
Egonné Endrényi
Erzsébet Forgács
Gilles Rossire
Cédric Chami
Michel Desrois
Jean-Pierre Lelong
Claude Villand
Daniel Gollety
Jean-Michel Chauvet
György Solymosi
Christian Foucher
Eric Mises-Rosenfeld
Jean-François Colonna
Philippe Alleton
Hervé Loizeau
Patrick Taulère
Attila Mónos
Patrick Halpine
Stephan Beringer
Jean-Charles Hourcade
Péter Miskolczi
Michel Nicolini
Ike Werk
Patrice Duvic